

Yueqing Jingcheng car accessories

Quality Supreme Honesty Based

Yueqing Jingcheng car accessories business to the development and production of automotive electrical switches, electrical product development is suitable for cars, buses and trucks, involving AC, defrosting, air switch, glass lifter switch, ...

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Performance cases

# YD upper shellView details
YD upper shell
# A26 A5 dynamic contact filmView details
A26 A5 dynamic contact film
# L13 ZHQ-6 Main shellView details
 L13 ZHQ-6 Main shell
# L16 468200 Sea lion element seatView details
 L16 468200 Sea lion element seat
# A27 A5 static contact sheet 1View details
A27 A5 static contact sheet 1
# L19 T3 (8X10) bulb holder assemblyView details
L19 T3 (8X10) bulb holder assembly
# L21 DT206 Electromagnet componentsView details
 L21  DT206 Electromagnet components
# A28 GBC lower coverView details
A28 GBC lower cover
# L01 AE140001-005 Winding seatView details
L01 AE140001-005 Winding seat
# A24 JQM-3 plugView details
A24 JQM-3 plug
# L15 DamperView details
 L15 Damper
# L02 AE140007-002 Mounting seatView details
 L02  AE140007-002 Mounting seat
# A25 LXG-2 BaotouView details
A25 LXG-2 Baotou
# L12 TBQ-41 Lining ringsView details
 L12 TBQ-41  Lining rings
# A23 JQM-3 gasketView details
A23 JQM-3 gasket
# A22 HDQ-48 opening ringView details
A22 HDQ-48 opening ring
# L06 BZJ-207 connecting rodView details
L06 BZJ-207 connecting rod
# L05 BZJ-207 T7 Blowing face connecting rodView details
 L05 BZJ-207 T7 Blowing face connecting rod
# L04 H13 Pull the capView details
 L04 H13 Pull the cap
# H13 TBQ-5N Electronic box shellView details
 H13 TBQ-5N Electronic box shell

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